
Article: June 18th Update

June 18th Update

Posted Friday, June 19, 2020


Dear District Families -

I hope that your summer is going well. It is hard to believe that we are already in mid June. I wanted to update you on a few topics that are impacting our district. 

District Finances

The board is continuing to discuss possible options about a levy on the November ballot. The district has made cumulative reductions in expenses since 2018 that total approximately $4.8 million. This includes 33 positions that have not been filled, 17 of which were teachers. Adding to our financial situation is the net $350,000 reduction from the State of Ohio this school year and the anticipated $600,000 cut for next year. Now, more than ever, these cuts are hitting at the core of our schools and impacting the well-rounded education our students deserve and the community expects. Our most recent Phase III and IV reductions included not filling 7 teaching positions including STEM and Art in K-5, 3 teachers at the high school, 1 teacher at the middle school, and 1 teacher at BCI. High school busing has been eliminated, 4 bus driver positions, 2 librarian positions, and 85 coaches/advisors/supplemental positions. The district is also in the status of Fiscal precaution from the Ohio Department of Education. Continue to stay informed and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected].


2020-21 School Year

We are still awaiting guidance from Governor DeWine. We have heard that this should be coming within the next 10 days or so. Even as we wait for this guidance, the district is working on various options for next year such as 100% remote learning, 50% capacity, and 100% back in school. We surveyed both parents and staff about how this school year ended in regards to remote learning and thoughts on next year. Even though we didn’t get a survey back from every family, results indicated that a vast majority of parents want their kids back in school every day (if state allows this option) along with proper safety protocols in place. Additionally, we are exploring remote learning possibilities for those students who have a medical reason for not returning to school this fall. We will use the guidance from the state, the local health department, as well as the parent feedback we have received to craft our plan and release it as soon as possible. Please remember, due to the COVID-19 circumstances, that any schedule/class assignments, etc.received from your child’s building are subject to change.   

Summer Camps

All district sponsored youth camps and middle school camps have been cancelled for the summer.  

Summer Lunch

We will be concluding our summer food service program on June 30. This was the first time the district has offered food service in the summer and it was a great success. We want to encourage those families that are still in need to visit the Bellbrook Resource Center located in the Old Sugarcreek Elementary School and can be reached at (937) 848-3810 https://www.bsfrc.org or https://www.facebook.com/BSFRC/ You can also check out the Ohio Department of Education Summer Food Service Program at 

http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Student-Supports/Food-and-Nutrition/Summer-Food-Service-Program or for more information or to find a location near you call 1-866-3-HUNGRY (486479)

Fall Sports / Marching Band

At this point, we are still waiting for specific guidance from the state to determine what this will look like. Summer workouts for high school sports have already begun; middle school sports and marching band will be starting in July. We are using the current safety protocols such as health assessments before each session, social distancing, hand washing/hand sanitizer, and frequent disinfecting and sanitizing.

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