We are very excited to share with you the results of the District Report Card, as released by the Ohio Department of Education earlier today.
Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools received an overall rating of 5 stars and earned 5 stars in each of the component areas (Achievement, Progress, Gap Closing, Graduation and Early Literacy).
In fact, we are just one of eight school districts in the entire state to earn 5 stars in the overall rating and each of the five overall components out of the more than 600 public schools rated … and Bellbrook was the only district in the greater Dayton area to do so.
I have witnessed the great things going on in our district’s classrooms on a daily basis to make sure our students are not only learning what is being taught to them, but how to be good and responsible young adults. The words simply do not exist to explain to you how proud I am. To say our staff goes above and beyond is an understatement and can not do justice to the amount of work they put in.
We want to thank all our families for taking an active role in your student’s education. Your support at home to make sure students come to school ready to learn and to provide that extra support makes our educational system that much stronger. Additionally, we want to thank our students for working hard, doing their best, and continually pursuing excellence.
You can’t be a 5-star district without a 5-star community!
While this report card shows us what we are doing right, it also shows the areas we can improve. We are digesting this report, as well as the results of our MAP tests and other assessments to make sure we are meeting students where they are, and helping them grow to their fullest potential. In the days and weeks to come, we will be sharing more information on the Report Card on social media and on our website, as well as during the October 26 Board of Education meeting, giving you more details of how we were graded. Currently. you can see results here. There is always room for improvement and growth, and at Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools we want to be …
Better Today than Yesterday; Better Tomorrow than Today.