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5 Questions with High School Principal Dave Hann

In Mr. Hann’s 26th year in education, 14th year with Bellbrook, and 5th as the high school principal, he took the time to answer 5 questions about his building.

This is Mr. Hann’s 26th year in education, 14th year with Bellbrook, and 5th as the high school principal.

What’s new this year at your school?
We have a new start time, so that's exciting, and I am sure our students will enjoy getting to school 10 minutes earlier (also leaving 10 minutes earlier)! Students will also be permitted to carry book bags to class this year.

Who is new this year at your school?
Cameron Halls, Music
Kristen Krumheuer, French
Ron Gudgell, Paraprofessional
Leslie Albrecht, Custodian
Cindi Pettit, Student Services Secretary

What’s the event you are most looking forward to in the first semester?
The first days of school are always exciting with new faces, routines and classes. Friday night lights with our students and community is a great experience and something everyone should be a part of.

What should people know about your building or staff?
The staff at BHS are the best around and they have the data to back it up. Their hard work and dedication to our students and community is inspiring. Our students leave here prepared for whatever the world might throw at them and represent Bellbrook well in the "real world."

What is something community members would be surprised to learn about you?
Some people already know this, but I was featured on Who Wants to Be A Millionaire with Regis Philben a lifetime ago (in 2001). It was terrifying ... and I looked ridiculous.

Posted Thursday, August 10, 2023