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Board Approves Contracts, Textbooks, Honors Retirees

The Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Board of Education got a lot done at its May 9 meeting at Bellbrook Middle School, including adopting two new textbooks, approving contracts with both unions and honoring several retirees. The board also heard a presentation on the Science of Reading from Stephen Bell Principal Ginger Keeton, teachers Paige Rose and Heather Hebrank and Literacy Coach Rebecca Campbell.

The Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Board of Education got a lot done at its May 9 meeting at Bellbrook Middle School, including adopting two new textbooks, approving contracts with both unions and honoring several retirees. The board also heard a presentation on the Science of Reading from Stephen Bell Principal Ginger Keeton, teachers Paige Rose and Heather Hebrank and Literacy Coach Rebecca Campbell.

The entire board meeting can be watched here or by scrolling to the bottom of this story and the agenda can be found here. Four of the five Board members were present at the meeting.

The Sugarcreek Education Association (SEA) and the Sugarcreek Local Association of Support Personnel (SLASP) both had their contracts accepted by a 4-0 vote on Thursday evening after negotiations took place in April. The final details were worked out and presented to the board Thursday evening – the details being explained by Superintendent Dr. Cozad. The Board expressed its gratitude for all parties in the negotiation.

Two text books also were accepted by the Board, including the AP Biology textbook, Biology in Focus, Pearson Education, AP Fourth Edition 2024; And the AP Psychology textbook, Psychology, Pearson Education, AP Sixth Edition 2021. Both passed by 4-0 vote.

Eight retirees also were honored by the Board, and given recognition for their many years of service – in total 236 years between the eight who were recognized at the meeting. Each gave brief comments and thanked those who they worked with throughout their careers.

District retirees include:
Tom Bean (Teacher) - 28 years
Claudia Fahrenholz (Bus Driver) - 26 years
Sharon Geis (Teacher) - 24 years
Eileen Malas (School Nurse) - 17 years
Lori Metzler (Teacher) - 37 years
Catherine Sargent (Teacher) - 30 years
Jenness Sigman (Manager of Business) - 40 years
Peggy Williams (Teacher) - 34 years

The Stephen Bell staff spoke about the growth they’ve seen from their young learners in the area of literacy, touting the hard work staff has put in and the resources they’ve been using including FUNdations and Geodes. They showed charts that included growth from fall to spring in both math and reading.

Finally, two student-athletes were honored by the Board as girls basketball players Taylor Scohy and Jordan Frantz were named all-Ohio. Scohy was named to the first team while Frantz was Honorable Mention. Scohy also was the SWBL Player of the Year for the third straight season.

The Board will meet in Executive Session with representatives from K-12 Consulting to discuss the upcoming Treasurer/CFO search due to the retirement of Mr. Liming at the end of the 2024 calendar year on June 11.

The next regularly scheduled board of education meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m., June 13 at Bellbrook Middle School. You can find the complete calendar here

Posted Friday, May 10, 2024