
Article: Carpenter Retires From Board After 8 Years of Service

Carpenter Retires From Board After 8 Years of Service

Posted Friday, December 15, 2023
After eight years of service to the Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Local School District Board of Education, David Carpenter hung up his bow tie after the December 14 meeting.

Carpenter won two elections and served as BOE President from 2020 to 2022 before deciding not to run in the last election cycle.

The board thanked him for his service during the meeting and Carpenter briefly shared his thoughts and his thanks for being able to serve the community.

“On behalf of our community I want to thank you for your service,” Board President Mike Kinsey said. “What I see you bring to the table day-in and day-out of every meeting, not only is the integrity you show, but the calm and respectful demeanor you bring has been a model for all of us.”

Superintendent Doug Cozad recapped the highlights of Carpenter’s career as a board member: Two Terms 2016-23; District Safety Committee 3 years; OSBA Student Achievement Liaison 5 years; OSBA Capital Conference Delegate 5 years; Board Vice President 2019 and President 2020-22.

“Serving alongside you has been an honor and a pleasure,” Cozad said. “It’s evident your leadership has been instrumental in guiding our district through challenging times.

In closing, Carpenter addressed the crowd and the rest of his fellow board members, all clad in bow ties as a nod to his normal board meeting attire.

“It’s really been quite a ride. One of my campaign goals was that I wanted to grow a thick skin. That’s been successful,” Carpenter said with a laugh.

“It’s been a pleasure to serve with this board and the people I served with previously. I’m looking forward to what the next steps are.”
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