
Article: District Seeking Input on Use of Federal Grant Funds

District Seeking Input on Use of Federal Grant Funds

Posted Thursday, March 2, 2023
Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Seal
The Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Local School District receives federal grants through the Ohio Department of Education, via the Consolidated Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP). Monies received through IDEA-B (Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act) and ECSE (Early Childhood Special Education) are used to provide special education services to students with identified disabilities, ages 3-21.

Title I funds are used for supplemental initiatives and teacher salaries for reading intervention. Title II-A funds are used for targeted professional development based upon district needs.

Title IV-A funds are used for well-rounded education initiatives, health and safety of students, and effective use of technology.
COVID relief ESSER funds are used to address academic learning loss, the health and safety of students and staff, and to maintain operations.

All funds must align with the goals outlined in the district’s CCIP.

Public input regarding the use of these funds for the school year is welcomed until 3/31/23. Comments can be sent to Dr. Doug Cozad, Superintendent, or Betsy Gann, Director of Curriculum at 3757 Upper Bellbrook Rd., Bellbrook. You may also email input to 
[email protected] or [email protected].
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